Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Obama Philosophy?

What is the Obama philosophy? Where was his philosophy shaped? Who helped shape it? Obama was born in 1961. That would make him 47 years old. For the past 20 years Obama was a member of Trinity Church in Chicago. Reverend Jeremiah Wright is the recently retired pastor of Trinity Church. (the term "Reverend" used very loosely). Wright is a very key figure in the shaping of Obama's philosophy. Wright baptized Obama's children, officiated Obama's wedding, Wright is and has been Obama's close family friend for 20 years. For half of his natural life and virtually all of his adult life Obama has been "mentored" at the feet of his surrogate father the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

What is the philosophy of Jeremiah Wright. Wright preaches a theology called "Black Liberation Theology" (BLT).It is a theology which teaches that rich people are evil, that the wealth should be spread around, and that Jesus hates rich people. It is a theology that is closer in relationship to communism than it is to Christianity.

Because of the hatred taught by BLT it is not a problem for Obama's mentor to stand in the pulpit and scream GD America. It was not a problem for Wright to blame the 911 attacks on the victims of the attacks rather than the perpetrators. It was not a problem for Obama's mentor to claim after 911 "America's chickens are coming home to roost." These are only a few of the rantings screamed by this mentor of Barak Obama. This type hate is preached on a regular basis at Trinity Church. This is the basic philosophy of BLT and this theology is the cornerstone of Trinity Church. It is drilled into the Trinity members on a regular basis. It is as similar to Christianity as the philosophy of the Ku Klux Klan is similar to Christianity.

How does this relate to the campaign of Barack Obama? Obama has stated that he will spread the wealth around. He will take from hard working people and give to the dead beats. After all its the dead-beats who deserve it. It is the dead-beat's "Right" to have health care at the expense of the worker. Its the dead-beat's "Right" to get an education at the expense of the worker. It is the dead-beats right to have the worker put food on the dead-beats table and to be the dead-beat's servant. If Obama is elected this will be "America's chickens coming home to roost."

Obama's philosophy is further recognized by the fact that he started his political career in the home of an unrepentant terrorist, in the home of a person who feels that its okay to use violence against people who don't hold to your philosophy. One who now has the power to preach that hatred and skewed philosophy to young college students. Yet, now this philosophy has made it to the mainstream, and is polluting it in a way no different than the way an open sewer pollutes a mountain stream.

Our Forefathers recognized that it is God not man who gives rights to men. And they recognized that it was God who gave us this nation, therefore it is the solemn duty of every American to vote, and they should recognize and vote in a way that brings honor and glory to the One who gave us this nation.

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