Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Truth Seems Harsh

Why are people offended by the truth? Because, truth causes them to see the perverseness of their ways. No one wants to know that what they do is perverse. But, lets take a look at what lack of truth has done for this nation. This nation has been murdering its posterity by the millions. Why, because the people lack the truth. They call their children a "curse." What has this view of children done for the nation? This has sparked a generation of the most selfish people that America has ever witnessed. A people who murder their own children are perverse. They are offering child sacrifices to their god of personal comfort and convenience. How much more selfish can you be? It is absolutely wrong to murder, murdering an adult is terrible, murdering a child is worse, but murdering the one who has never seen the light of day? Murdering one who is so innocent and helpless? This is the utmost in perversion and hate.Why is there no outcry from the populace to stop this barbaric behavior? Because, it seems right in the eyes of the perverse. God's Word tells us that in the end people will be doing what is right in their own eyes.They will worship the created rather than the creator. His Word also tells us that they will be calling what is good evil and what is evil good. This has never been more true in history than now. At least in times past the people recognized that murder was wrong therefore it was done in back alleys and not spoken of, but now people call it their "Right." They stand in the middle of the streets and shout out that its their "Right." They form parades and community gatherings to celebrate their "Right" to be perverse. Where is the outcry from the righteous? Where are those who know God's Word? What is wrong? Are you afraid to proclaim the truth? Are you afraid of what people will think when you stand for righteousness. I hear people talk about sharing the truth with love, but if you share the truth you are sharing love. Truth is love. And, it is because truth (love) has been abandoned that these behaviors have invaded our nation and taken over the minds of the people. Abortion is Wrong, Homosexuality is Wrong, Adultery is Wrong. All these thing are perverse and take the love out of a nation!God calls children a blessing. God says "Go forth and multiply." God says that marriage is only between man and woman. God says to love your "Own" wife. Do you people think God will allow the perverseness to continue forever? Do you not know that judgment will come swiftly? Where is the church? Even the "church" the bride of Christ is soiling its garments with the perverseness of this civilization. How do you think Christ, the one crushed for your sin, feels when he sees a priest perform a ceremony celebrating the filthiness of homosexuality, and calling it by the name of Christ?

Wake up Church Wake up.