Friday, November 7, 2008

It's Already Rearing Its Ugly Head

As I expected, Obama's philosophy is already rearing its head.

"Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois -- known as a foul-mouthed practitioner of brass-knuckled politics -- has signed on as his White House chief of staff. And tough partisan infighter John Podesta is serving as transition chief. " (1)

If you thought we would get something other than more hate politics then you are exceptionally deceived. As I wrote before in "The Obama Philosophy," Obama will govern according to how his philosophy was shaped. He can no more separate himself from the Jeremiah Wright philosophy than a Water Moccasin can separate himself from being a snake.

You can't blame the American people. That would be like blaming the sheep for the wolf. But, who let the wolf run wild and unchecked into the field? Whose job is it to warn the sheep of eminent attack? Who has been charged with mending the fence and who is responsible to strip search those wishing to come through sally port?

The gate keepers of our society have allowed the fences to be ripped down. They have fired the guards, and they have opened the fields for all predators to roam with the sheep. The barnyard and the pasture are no longer safe. Our national identity is being reshaped from a family friendly safe haven for all members of the human race, to an open border which allows all matter of perversion and godlessness to enter. Those who have screamed for the fence to be ripped down don't realize that the fence is not something to restrain the sheep, but its purpose is to protect the flock.

Obama has walked unchecked into the field. His identity was on his lapel, and his resume was in his hand, yet no-one read it. None of the gatekeepers read his resume. None of the gatekeepers did a background check. The gatekeepers were too busy looking up the dress of Sarah Palin and doing body cavity inspections of John McCain. While McCain came through the gate, Obama was walking over the torn fences and his snarling democrat animals came in with him. Now the whole nation is at the mercy of a snarling rabid government. Its already started with his staff choices and those things that made America beautiful are now about to be ruined with the gang war and graffiti of a drive by government.

The child in the womb is not safe. Children aren't safe from perversion in schools. The elderly are at risk, and the government of social debauchery is about to have free reign. When the senseless slaughter of unborn children is considered by some as a viable answer to an unplanned pregnancy, it is a sign that the sun is setting, but now child murder is equated to wiping one's nose. Its past midnight...We are fully enveloped in darkness. When perversion is given a thought of legitimacy it is a sign of great danger, but some are trying to make perversion the law of the land. The gates of Sodom have been opened into our nation and the angels are not safe. Though Lot is keeping them in his home, the doors of the house are being torn and the hinges are losing their grip. Many have already been stricken with the blindness "Why shouldn't everyone have the right to marry?" Only those blind to the evil ask for evil to reign.

How does this relate to Obama? Must you ask? Are you so blind that you can't see it? Is your light so dim? Light your candle!! Light torches!! Light the path to what is right. Stop the evil. Rebuild the walls and the fences, and relight the perimeter lights. Our nation has been waiding in the sewer, now many want to dive in headlong. Stop and look before you jump!!

1. Obama's Picks Show Shift in Tone By CHRISTOPHER WILLS, DAVID ESPO and NEDRA PICKLER, AP

Monday, October 27, 2008

Are The Polls True?

You hear so much in the news about polls, but are they really true? If they are true then what is causing this phenomena of Obama worship? Obama's advertising bill for this campaign is over 188 million dollars. That's right 188,000,000 dollars!! That is more than 100,000,000 dollar over what Senator McCain has spent. Some people say that advertising does not affect how people think...hahaha. What a joke, If this were the case then why do businesses pay millions of dollars for one minute spot of prime time television advertising. Advertisement is designed to make you think a certain way.
Let's also compare how Obama's campaign is being portrayed to how McCain's is being portrayed in the news. Two stories come to mind. First the story concerning Governor Palin's wardrobe. The objective of this story is to paint Governor Palin as a rich woman who lavishes herself in riches. She is painted as someone who would plate herself in gold if given the opportunity. When the truth of the matter is that the RNC had determined her wardrobe for that evening. I am so sure that this story was prompted by a press release from the Obama camp. I am also convinced that much of Obama' campaign money is being spent on press releases for negative stories on McCain.
Now let's look at a story concerning the Obama campaign. The latest story is about the skinheads. First off I doubt that it is a credible story. The FBI could search the e-mails of any skinhead and find this type hate. These guys just happened to be the ones who got dragged into the spotlight. I seriously doubt that they had the means or the opportunity to carry out the mission they were accused of planning.
Nevertheless, these guys were an opportunity for Obama to make himself look like a victim of the white cracker society. This is a furtherance of the Jeremiah Wright philosophy to paint all white people as evil hate filled nigger killers (I think "nigger" is a very offensive word, and apologize if you are offended by my using it, but it is the only word I can find to sufficiently describe the Wright philosophy toward white people).
If you do a study of the "news" stories concerning this campaign, you will find a common thread running through all of them. The very high majority of Obama stories paint him as either a victim of the white philosophy, or as an over-comer who has risen above the hate. He is painted as a hero to the black race and the human race. He is given messiah status in the Ophra camp and painted as a god and savior to the black people.
While Obama is painted as messiah and savior, McCain is painted as a rich white old man who is more of the same from a failing Bush campaign. He is painted as someone who will continue to let the war drag on for ages. He is a painted like a the remnants of an old era of wasteful spending and tired old politics. All the while it is the democrats, with the help of ACORN and Obama, whose policies have ruined the banking industry and help cause the economic crisis we are facing today. It is the democrats who have allowed this war to drag on and kept our men in harms way.
The true story is that, even with the huge amounts of advertising dollars spent by the Obama campaign, and the tremendous help that the Obama camp gets from national "news" sources, polls show that the race for the White House is still almost dead even! How can this be? It all comes down to character and the person.
Who do we really want for president? A war hero who has suffered under the brutality of an evil enemy? Someone who can think under pressure and who has shown that he will not desert his comrades when given an opportunity of an easy exit? Do we want someone who has been tried by the fire of adversity and come out stronger because of it?
Or do we want a an empty suit that has never been tested? Do we want a smiling face that will speak the words itching ears want to hear? Do we want a glistening smile that speaks words from all corners of its mouth depending on the group he is talking to at the time?
Consider the true issues when you vote be very diligent to understand who you are voting for and what that person really stands for, and also consider your neighbor and how you vote will not help you, but how it will help the nation!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Obama Philosophy?

What is the Obama philosophy? Where was his philosophy shaped? Who helped shape it? Obama was born in 1961. That would make him 47 years old. For the past 20 years Obama was a member of Trinity Church in Chicago. Reverend Jeremiah Wright is the recently retired pastor of Trinity Church. (the term "Reverend" used very loosely). Wright is a very key figure in the shaping of Obama's philosophy. Wright baptized Obama's children, officiated Obama's wedding, Wright is and has been Obama's close family friend for 20 years. For half of his natural life and virtually all of his adult life Obama has been "mentored" at the feet of his surrogate father the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

What is the philosophy of Jeremiah Wright. Wright preaches a theology called "Black Liberation Theology" (BLT).It is a theology which teaches that rich people are evil, that the wealth should be spread around, and that Jesus hates rich people. It is a theology that is closer in relationship to communism than it is to Christianity.

Because of the hatred taught by BLT it is not a problem for Obama's mentor to stand in the pulpit and scream GD America. It was not a problem for Wright to blame the 911 attacks on the victims of the attacks rather than the perpetrators. It was not a problem for Obama's mentor to claim after 911 "America's chickens are coming home to roost." These are only a few of the rantings screamed by this mentor of Barak Obama. This type hate is preached on a regular basis at Trinity Church. This is the basic philosophy of BLT and this theology is the cornerstone of Trinity Church. It is drilled into the Trinity members on a regular basis. It is as similar to Christianity as the philosophy of the Ku Klux Klan is similar to Christianity.

How does this relate to the campaign of Barack Obama? Obama has stated that he will spread the wealth around. He will take from hard working people and give to the dead beats. After all its the dead-beats who deserve it. It is the dead-beat's "Right" to have health care at the expense of the worker. Its the dead-beat's "Right" to get an education at the expense of the worker. It is the dead-beats right to have the worker put food on the dead-beats table and to be the dead-beat's servant. If Obama is elected this will be "America's chickens coming home to roost."

Obama's philosophy is further recognized by the fact that he started his political career in the home of an unrepentant terrorist, in the home of a person who feels that its okay to use violence against people who don't hold to your philosophy. One who now has the power to preach that hatred and skewed philosophy to young college students. Yet, now this philosophy has made it to the mainstream, and is polluting it in a way no different than the way an open sewer pollutes a mountain stream.

Our Forefathers recognized that it is God not man who gives rights to men. And they recognized that it was God who gave us this nation, therefore it is the solemn duty of every American to vote, and they should recognize and vote in a way that brings honor and glory to the One who gave us this nation.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Barack's Birth Certificate

Barack Obama has not produced an original birth certificate. There are too many inconsistencies in Obama's story concerning where he was born.
Obama's birth father divorced his mother, and his mother then moved back to Indonesia where Obama was immediately sent to school. During this period Indonesia was at war, and it was illegal for non-Indonesians to go to school in Indonesia at that time. How could he have gone to school in Indonesia if he were not an Indonesian citizen?
Obama's run for president demands a birth certificate!! This is is the basics!! For the Democrat party to run a candidate that is so questionable goes far beyond unprofessional. This is merely the tip of the iceberg concerning Obama's baggage.
Obama's involvement in ACORN, his relationship with Bill Ayers, his membership in a completely racist church, his muslim heritage, all these questions demand an answer!! How could we ever elect a president who has demonstrated that his philosophy is so questionable. Where is the media concerning these questions? You can bet if this were John McCain's record you can be so sure that these questions would be asked over and over and over.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Current Election

I'm new to bogging so this make take some getting accustomed to.

From what I see, this election is between an experienced statesman and an empty suit.
On one hand you have a smooth talking iconic type figure who can charm people with a silk voice . On the other hand, you have a statesman, a person who has been around the block; hes very aware of how the system works, yet he hasn't been corrupted by it. He lacks great communication skills, but what he lacks in communication skills he makes up for with wisdom.
I don't have to name names. It is obvious which person is the statesman and which is the charmer. What you must do is make the right choice. Choices should be made from wisdom not feelings. I believe many will be deceived into voting from feelings rather than from wisdom. If many vote from feelings, I believe that it will seriously endanger the economic and societal fabric of our nation.